I would like to meet an honourable man, talented and smart, intelligent, faithful, passionate, joyful. I like it when a man has confidant posture and moves, when he follows healthy life style and takes up sports. I want to meet the right man and make him the happiest beside me.
Khmel'nyts'kyy, Ukraine
I would like to meet an honourable man, talented and smart, intelligent, faithful, passionate, joyful. I like it when a man has confidant posture and moves, when he follows healthy life style and takes up sports. I want to meet the right man and make him the happiest beside me.
I have got a good education and up-bringing, I am well-build and very gentle. But I am ambitious to a good extent, also strong enough, broad-minded, emotional, self-assured, affectionate and with good taste. Also I am intelligent, creative, sensible and sociable. I respect other people and want others to treat me this way too. I have a good sense of humour. I go to fitness club regularly. I like animals and exotic plants. I enjoy dancing very much, active rest in mountains, at the seaside. I like cooking, socializing with smart and interesting people. I enjoy my job and like photography very much. I like to take pictures of adults, children and nature. I am fond of watching science films. I improve myself constantly. I adore to play billiards and chess.