In general I like to surprise people who surround me, so be ready for an ice cream for breakfast or for cream instead of your shaving foam) If you are not afraid of this, than welcome to my life, I will be waiting for you!
Dniprodzerzhyns'k, Ukraine
In general I like to surprise people who surround me, so be ready for an ice cream for breakfast or for cream instead of your shaving foam) If you are not afraid of this, than welcome to my life, I will be waiting for you!
When I registered in this site I asked myself a question – how to make a man fall in love with me. Should I tell him all the secrets of mine? Or maybe be funny and cheerful? What is the best way to win a man's heart? After thinking this over I came to a conclusion that I should better be myself and be honest to the man, so this is my true story. I come from a relatively big family of four women) Can you imagine how my poor father felt having all home covered with women's clothes of my mother, me and my two sisters? OH, when I look back at him I feel so sorry for him! And I feel sorry of me too as this influenced my life greatly. Me with my sister lived in the same room and I often saw and heard what my older sisters did or said. Once I even saws how she made love to her boyfriend!!!! She thought that I was sleeping and will not know anything, but I was not and heard everything! Probably this turned on my sexuality and made me who I am now. I am a woman for whom touches and kisses