In man I like sense of humor within reasonable limit. Sometimes he must be serious and decisive when situation requires. Of cause he must be confident and have a strong character, neat and accurate. But what is the most important thing, he must be my second half, a person who feels me and whom I feel without words, who can read my thoughts and know my wishes, who wants me to make him happy being by his side always!
Kharkiv, Ukraine
In man I like sense of humor within reasonable limit. Sometimes he must be serious and decisive when situation requires. Of cause he must be confident and have a strong character, neat and accurate. But what is the most important thing, he must be my second half, a person who feels me and whom I feel without words, who can read my thoughts and know my wishes, who wants me to make him happy being by his side always!
I like dance and sing, and I go to karaoke and dancing clubs. Sport has always been a big part of my life and now I do jogging, go to gym and swim. Cooking and making new dishes is my passion. I love to have guests in my place and I like to be a guest myself. Smile. Optimistic and cheerful, kind and sociable… this is about me! I have a complaisant character and I would never cavil at people. I take people as they are and never try to remake someone. May be that is why my children are my best friends from the very childhood. I can’t say that I am a weak woman, but sometimes there are moments when I can cry. Anyway this state of mine doesn’t last long, and soon my tears change into smile.